Below each product, you can select the model, size (where applicable) and quantity, and add it do your shopping cart. You are invited to continue to browse after adding products to your cart. Once you are ready to checkout, click the “checkout/view shopping cart” button on any page. You’ll view the contents of your shopping cart with options available — you can delete or change the quantity or individual items. Once your cart is the way you want it – follow the easy checkout instructions below your cart and your order will be placed.
You may also place your order by phone:
1-800-665-0202 (USA and Canada only)
1-204-586-8097 (outside USA and Canada)
Between 9:00am and 5:00pm Central Time, Monday through Friday, and between 9:00am to 2:00pm Central Time, Saturdays.
By Fax:
Fax: 204-582-5598
By e-mail:
By Postal Service:
The Wonderful World of Sheepskin
250 Dufferin Ave.
Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R2W 5J1
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Orders in Canadian Dollars: We accept Master Card, VISA, Cheque and Money Order.
Orders in US Dollars: We accept VISA, Cheque and Money Order.
Orders paid for by cheque and money order will be held until receipt of payment.
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Orders within Continental North America will normally be shipped by Fed Ex ground service at a charge of $15.00 (CAD) for the first 2 items ordered, and an additional $2.50 for each additional item. Orders over $500 (CAD) will be shipped free of freight charges. Orders to be shipped by expedited service will be subject to applicable freight charges as calculated. *Extra charges may apply to outlying areas.
Orders destined for addresses outside Continental North America, including Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and International locations, will be shipped via the courier or postal service as determined best by our shipping department, and will be subject to applicable freight charges as calculated.
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Duty, Customs and Taxes
Orders within the U.S.A. and Canada are shipped free of any Customs clearance charges or duty. Orders shipped to International destinations will be subject to applicable duty and clearance charges, which will be the responsibility of the recipient upon delivery.
Orders within Canada will be subject to GST. Orders within Manitoba will be subject to applicable PST and GST.
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All products are guaranteed against manufacturing defect. Your satisfaction is guaranteed; stock items may be returned for any reason with full refund for the products (not including freight charges) or exchange within 14 days of your receipt. Products may be exchanged for size and color where applicable. Return freight charges may apply. Special orders may not be returned or exchanged, unless due to manufacturing defect, in which case we will make the necessary correction and return it to you. Medical and personal care products may be returned in the event of manufacturing defect.
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Returns & Exchanges
In keeping with the conditions of our stated Guarantee, you must notify us in advance that you would like to return or exchange a product, and the reason for your request. You may notify us by e-mail, on-line form, phone or fax.
Mail: The Wonderful World of Sheepskin
Att: Customer Service
250 Dufferin Ave.
Winnipeg, MB, Canada,
R2W 5J1
Phone: USA and Canada only
1-800-665-0202 outside USA and Canada
Fax: 1-204-582-5598
Refunds will be processed upon receipt of products, in the amount equal to the value of the product(s) and any applicable taxes, not including freight charges. Orders paid for by VISA will be refunded on VISA; orders paid for by cheque or money order will be refunded by company cheque. Except in circumstances where manufacturing defect has been found after wearing or use, products must be returned in original packaging, unused and in resaleable condition, postage paid, to:
From the USA:
The Wonderful World of Sheepskin
C/o GHY Inc.
#2-572 South Fifth St.
Pembina, ND, 58271
From Canada and International Locations:
The Wonderful World of Sheepskin
250 Dufferin Ave.
Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R2W 5J1
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Secure Purchasing
All transactions are processed with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to ensure privacy and integrity of your order information. SSL has been referred to as “the most advanced online ordering security system available”. In fact, there is a greater chance of having your credit card number intercepted by a third party when you use your credit card over the phone or in a restaurant or store.
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Your relationship with us is very important. We will not rent or sell information about you to any third party. We limit the information we collect from you to a minimum, as necessary to provide outstanding products and service.